Friday, January 30, 2009

Chefs in Training

Usually Skylar and I do some sort of baking activity each week. She has been helping me almost everyday prepare at least some part of dinner. Yesterday our choice dish was "pizza meat pie." As she was mixing the ingredients in the sauce, little buddy, decided he wanted to join in the fun. He loves hanging out with his sis and it's hard to leave him out when he wants to do big boy things. While Skylar stirred our "delectable" (that is a quote from Skylar) dinner, Ronan pretended to pour spices into the mix. We gave him a stab at stirring but realized more was ending up on the floor than in the bowl. All in all, it was a wonderful evening spent together with my little darlings.


Annette said...

Cooking with kids, always such fun (ummm, I mean always such a mess).

pattysue said...

We are packing like crazy...I think it would be easier to just tow the house. Can't wait to get my hands on all my little darlins'.

Love you Meglet!!

Zoe said...

Meg! I love your blog. I am sorry that I haven't commented sooner. I haven't even been able to keep up with my blog lately. I love your little darlings. :) And your big darling, even though he gets on my nerves sometimes!! LOL! Let's see some pictures of your belly now. :)