Sunday, January 18, 2009

Watch out world here she comes.... (I mean that literally)

So, here we have it folks- Skylar and Ronan riding off into the sunset. I never thought they would own a Cadillac before I did, but Santa apparently felt them worthy of such a car. We arrived home from a wonderful vacation in Texas to a BIG present from Santa. Skylar had been asking for a "jeep" from Santa for quite some time and, after many months of reassuring me that cost was no issue since Santa and his elves would be building her car in their workshop for free, her dreams were realized when she returned from vacation to find a black Cadillac Escalade waiting under the tree.

It has been a little bit of a nerve racking experience watching her drive that thing all over the street, and grass, and curb and grass and curb and grass... but she has enjoyed it thus far. I haven't quite got a read on Ronan yet. He usually just hangs on for dear life and then wants to be rescued mid-drive. After a few days we bought him a bright red helmet just in case he ever decides to abandon ship before we can get to him (he’s come close a couple of times). He is a trooper though and he certainly is a tough little nugget. Although Ronan is too young to actually drive the vehicle, he has fully embraced his roles as “Secondary Navigator” and “Radio Operator.” It is a thing of beauty to watch Skylar and “Taxi” (Skylar has given Ronan a new nickname) fly down the street with great big smiles on their faces, hair whipping in the wind and radio stations changing at lighting-fast speed. Watch out world, here they come!


pattysue said...

I LOVE it! Great blog name too. More!!! More!!!

Andrea said...


Annette said...

My kids loved their Jeeps! Drove them until the suspension was all messed up. I think they thought they were 4-wheelers. Your Cadillac is soooo upscale!